Monday, July 7, 2008

Last night in village

The students spent their last night in various homes in the village.  Be sure to ask your child about where he/she stayed;  evidently everything from bats to bites to bugs was experienced!  After getting back together, they headed to the game park.  They saw giraffes, elephants, zebras, antelopes, water buffalo, etc.  The scenery was beautiful and Mt. Kilimanjaro was able to be seen from every angle.  They will be staying in the park tonight, and traveling back to Nairobi tomorrow.  They will eat at the Carnivore restaurant at 5 p.m. and then head to the airport.  Please pray for safe travel, continued good health, and a positive transition back to US culture. 
Praise the Lord, Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens.  Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.  Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.  Praise the Lord.  Psalm 150


Lisa said...


We are praying for safe travel and are so excited to see you! I hope your next 2 days are fun and that your flights are on time. We love you so much!

Your family

Doug Lucas said...

Whoa... cool that you got to see Kil. and the game park... and what an awesome experience to stay in people's homes!

missya said...

Dear Kenya Team,

It has been so exciting to read of your accomplishments for the LORD in faraway Kenya! Each day's post has been even more amazing and awe-inspiring as those of us back home have prayed for your safety and for your perseverance to share God's love and grace with His children in Africa. We are so proud of you for responding to God's call and eagerly anticipate your return on Wednesday. We cannot wait to see you and hear your stories! We love you, dear ones!

ShushIsRight said...

Remember what Uncle Gary said about Mount Everest. Can't wait to see you when you get home tomorrow!