Saturday, June 28, 2008

Busy Day!!

After breakfast on Saturday, our team met with the extended LIA team and then LIA gave specific information and directions about the activities and goals for the next ten days. After lunch, they went to the market where much bargaining was done in order to purchase spears, drums, necklaces, giraffes, rhinos, and various other items. Several LIA team members accompanied the group to assist with the bargaining. Our team purchased a drum at the market to use while they are there, and will leave it with one of the churches that does not have any instruments. Aaron R. will be playing the drum with Taylor and Tory also on instruments. Tory and Taylor will be singing a duet, and Sarah M. will also be singing. The team members practiced some songs with hand motions, which they will be sharing with the schools they will be visiting. On Sunday, they will be attending Julias's church, and all the guys decided to wear coats and ties!! After church, they will be making some home visits in the slum area, then returning to the compound for dinner, debriefing, and bed.
Please pray for wisdom for the LIA team, and for them to have patience with our team. Pray that they would not see arrogance, but humble servants; and pray that our team will have hearts to see God revealed.
"Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol Him, all you peoples. For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!" Psalms 117:1-2


Doug Lucas said...

Sounds like a really busy day. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good day. Keep them safe and keep the updates coming! Sending lots of Love. Missing you Vanessa. XOXOXO

Charissa and family

Helen said...

Praise the Lord for providing safe travels and for the things God will show you in the next 10 days. God is so good!! Wow, 36 pieces of luggage made it at the same time. Amazing! My prayers are with you all. Joanna, we love you, xoxo, Mom and Dad

tammy holbrook said...


We are so happy you arrived safely and Gunnar continues to Pray that you will not come in contact with any tigers (ha). Mostly we are praying for you to have an INCREDIBLE ADVENTURE sharing God's love and that it will be life changing. Sing your heart out or HIM!!!!!!!
We Love You so much,
Aunt Tam, Uncle Jeff, Gunnar, Max, Issi and Tate

tammy holbrook said...

To the entire team,

We are Praying for ALL OF YOU (not just Tay). Sorry if I let you all out of the previous post. What an amazing opportunity for all of you.
Love and PRAYERS,
The Holbrook Family

Robert Ott said...

After having been in Kenya, I can just picture how it is and what you are doing. It will be an incredible adventure for everyone. I am sure you will be amazed at what God will reveal to you. Open your eyes and see what God is doing there. Understand you aren't Americans but God's children first an foremost. Leaders, open up your hearts and drink in the energy, love and wonder of the young and truly see the engagement of them with the people. Robert Ott

Robert Ott said...

Chad and Sarah: I hope you have a wonderful time there in Kenya. I will be praying for you and thinking about what you are doing. Looking forward to seeing you when you return. Robert

Lisa said...

Aaron (Yo G)
I hear that Jordan is a professional at bartering! We are praying for you. We miss you so much, but are so excited about this opportunity! I know God is at work in you and through you!
Mark 16:15
He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
Praying for the entire team!
Lots of love, Lisa

beth barton said...

Taylor have a great time and experience all that God has for you there. We will be praying for you. We love and miss you very much.
