Sunday, June 29, 2008

Church, Home Visits

The team's day began with breakfast and then they attended Julius' church from 10 - 1.  After lunch the team divided into 8 groups and they visited 8 different homes in the slum area.   Our team members distributed bags of supplies such as maize, beans, and soap.  One visit was made to a widow whose husband had died of AIDS.  She has six children, and a skin disease that does not allow her to go into the sun.  She also has AIDS.  This family lives in a 10 x 10 room.  Our students were very touched by the conditions of the living areas, and I am sure many eyes were opened to the blessings they often take for granted.  Dozens of children followed our students through the area which had many open sewers and debris in the streets.  Julius 's wife Esther and their 20 month old son joined the team for dinner and debriefing.  On Monday they will be visiting an elementary school of about 200 students.  Our team will be speaking, singing, and taking Beanie Babies to the children.  They will also be making more home visits in the slum area, which is also where the school is located.  The students have been amazed at the strength of the Christians there and that they find such hope in Christ.   Please pray for safety as they travel again Monday and for clarity in their speaking.  Moses from LIA will be traveling with them, so please pray that God will be with his family while he is away from them.  
"Because You have been my help, therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice." Ps. 63:7


Lisa said...

Psalm 119:114

You are my refuge and my shield;
I have put my hope in your word.

Doug Lucas said...

We're praying for you guys!